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14 Fun Facts (Statistics) about SIP Trunking and VoIP

sip trunking statisticsWe spend a lot of time writing about how SIP trunking can impact your business, saving money, time and network management hassles. Today, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at the bigger picture and share some statistics about SIP trunking, VoIP and unified communications. Here are a few things you might like to know.

  • In North America, 45% of businesses are already using SIP trunking with an increase to 67% predicted by 2017. (Infonetics Research)
  • Small businesses that switch to VoIP reduce the cost of their local calls by up to 40%, and save up to 90% on international calls (co)
  • The total number of mobile VoIP users is expected to be 1 billion by the year 2017 and that’s just mobile VoIP users (Juniper Research)
  • In 2011, 147 petabytes of data were sent using VoIP communications platforms. By 2015, that number had risen to 156 petabytes of data. It’s expected to reach 158 petabytes this year. (com)
  • About 204.8 billion corporate consumer users are forecast by 2020, accounting for $86.20 billion in global revenues. (Future Market Insights)
  • The unified communications market is expected to reach annual revenues of $88 billion by 2018. (Infonetics)
  • Businesses with 30 phone users reaped $1,200 in monthly savings when switching to VoIP.  (PC World)
  • Telecoms are losing an average of 700,000 landline customers per month. (net)
  • The number of seats for hosted business VoIP will double between 2012 and 2016. (Infonetics)
  • 70% of companies indicated they have deployed UC in the cloud or plan to do so. (InformationWeek)
  • By 2018, 42% of firms will send 100% of their traffic over SIP trunks. (ExpretIP)
  • 80% of business with 20,000 employees say SIP is very important. 80% of businesses with 100-500 employees say the same. (ExpertIP)
  • By next year 50% of U.S. business exchange lines will be SIP-based. (Gartner)

Based on this data, there can be no doubt that SIP trunking, along with VoIP and unified communications, is the way that every business will connect in the future. The approach is so popular because it cuts costs, improves productivity, and offers businesses the flexibility that they crave. We’ll update this post when the data for 2016 becomes available.

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