what is sip calling

How Can Contact Centers Use SIP Trunking?

Another contact center not using SIP trunking. Well, it’s never late to learn what is SIP calling. In any case, the sooner you upgrade to a SIP call center. The sooner you will see tremendous improvement in your entire work process. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a correspondence solution, which allows voice and media to travel through an IP to a PBX. SIP trunking’s primary functionality is to allow the convergence of data over a single broadband connection.

Any other call center solution is bound to decrease performance, call quality, and satisfaction of those on the other side of the phone. 

Keep reading to find out what is SIP calling, and how it can improve your contact center.

Moving on up — From Basic to SIP Contact Center

SIP trunking has already transformed the entirety of the telecom industry, as it is affordable, reliable, and simple. In comparison to a traditional line and desk phone — well, there isn’t any comparison. 

Why you’re not using it yet is still a mystery, but hopefully, we will be able to sort that out for you. Customers are in dire need of a communicate via various channels: email, social media, video, chat, voice. All of which are simplified, and streamlined with SIP trunking.

What Are the Benefits?

Like most things in life, when adding something, you want to see improvement. Well, the main driving factor of the SIP transition is based on the wide spectrum of benefits provided.

SIP integrates the phone with a computer or device and enables a contact center to work efficiently while saving lots of money.

Lower Costs

SIP trunking = reduced monthly cost. A contact center can further decrease the cost by using a combined setup of SIP trunks, instead of a single-unit for each user. 

This allows data and voice to be packaged and processed together — saving money in the long run.

Call Routine Rules

Each SIP trunk can be pre-programmed to follow a certain call routing scheme. This can be used to forward all inbound calls to an alternative call center if an outage occurs at a main location.

Management Features

SIP trunking allows the contact center to implement a variety of third-party integrations. Such as call recording, analytics, rating, call-backs, etc. All of which automate and delegate many of the slowing tasks of a regular contact center.

Improved Efficiency

SIP trunking allows managers to monitor all calls and staff productivity. 

This helps develop charts of call trends and act in correspondence to the data. Creating specialized marketing, and activity changes will help improve call volume and staff response.

Better Call Quality

SIP is affordable and significantly improves call quality over any other communications solution. You may be surprised by how much call quality affects other aspects of your business.

Easily Scaled

A SIP provider regularly provides access to infinite channels, making your workflow easy to manage, order, and access. This allows the management team to improve the network connection, and customer journey to prevent issues caused by spikes in call volume.

SIP Calling for Contact Centers

Now you’re probably interested, so let’s take a look at how you can avoid any hassle and issues, which can come with not knowing how to provision SIP calling for your business.


When deciding to migrate your entire contact center to a SIP calling solution, you should begin with identifying if your current phone setup is capable of integrating. This will save you hassle down the road. 

Trial Period

A legitimate service provider will always provide a risk-free trial period, which would allow your team to explore and accommodate themselves with the new platform. 

This is perfect for those contact centers who are interested in trying the solution out but are yet unsure if its the right one for then. Test out the system, and the provider.

Seamless Deployment

Before you deploy the SIP calling system, it’s best to create a plan of action, which will be enacted by the staff. This should educate the team on usage, all changes, and new capabilities of the system. 

SIP trunking is a virtual system and is easily deployed. So the bulk of the change will occur in the mindset and capacity of your team.

Select SIP Trunk Provider

Finding the ideal SIP trunk service provider, and determining the variety of features that you will need can come to be a little less than simple. 

There has been a flood of scammy IP telecom suppliers, which provide below-standard stability, experience, and infrastructure.

It might seem that choosing an ideal SIP trunking provider is overwhelming and difficult. It’s really not. If you understand the needs of your correspondence and have the criteria outlined within this article in your mind then you possess all of the tools to make the right decision. 

Consider this, as well:

  • Your network size
  • Potential growth
  • Service provider network capacity and reliability
  • Service provider industry experience
  • The time frame for deployment
  • Set-up costs
  • Monthly fees
  • Additional charges for advanced features

By using the information outlined above, you are well on your way to securing a reasonable and capable SIP trunk provider for your contact center.

What Is SIP Calling? Your Future

One should never rely on a single thing to change their future. If you’re still asking, “what is sip calling,” the answer is that SIP calling is the future. Many communication centers have transitioned, and have seen a rapid increase in their performance and customer satisfaction. 

If you’re still behind the times, it’s best you get up to speed. Because in the realm of communication, you either get the calls or don’t. Which would you rather be? 

Now that you have all of the information from this article, you possess all of the necessary tools and assets to create a new, effective, and potentiated environment within your contact center. 

If you’re interested in receiving the best SIP trunking service in the US, give us a call and we will happily accommodate.

Good luck!

Free SIP Trunk in 60 Seconds

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